
Toll roads. Traffic rules. Fuel prices.

Driving in Cyprus

The total length of roadways is 13,006 km. Paved roads - 8,564 km.

    Toll roads

    There are no toll roads in Cyprus.

    Parking in Cyprus

    Parking in the city center costs approximately € 0.4-0.6 per hour on weekdays during business hours. Disabled parking is free.

    Parking on the double yellow line is prohibited. In the area of ​​the single yellow line, it is allowed to stop for loading / unloading, but parking is prohibited at any time.

    When parking, the vehicle must be parked only in the direction of travel at any time of the day or night.

    For violation of parking rules, a fine is € 100.

    Parking next to a pedestrian crossing or a bus stop - € 150 fine. Parking in disabled areas - € 300.

    Map of Cyprus roads

    Road map of Cyprus

    Buy an Cyprus Road Map on Amazon 

    Road rules in Cyprus

    Speed limits

    Speed limits in Cyprus

    Standard speed limits in Cyprus (unless otherwise indicated on the signs).

    Cars (to 3.5 tons) and motorcycles :
    • built-up areas - 50 km/h
    • outside built-up areas - 80 km/h
    • motorway - 100 km/h
    Cars (to 3.5 tons) with trailer :
    • built-up areas - 50 km/h
    • outside built-up areas - 80 km/h
    • motorway - 100 km/h

    The minimum speed limit on the motorway is 65 km/h.

    All speed limits on signs in Cyprus are indicated in km/h.


    The maximum permitted level of alcohol in the bloodstream is 0.5 ‰.

    If the level of alcohol in the bloodstream exceeds the allowable, a fine will be imposed:

    • from 0.5 ‰ to 0.79 ‰ – € 125
    • from 0.8 ‰ to 1.25 ‰ – € 250
    • from 1.26 ‰ to 1.6 ‰ – € 500
    • above 1.6 ‰ – the amount of the fine will be determined in court

    You will be detained until the moment when the person in charge can take you and your car from the checkpoint or from the police department.

    Driving while under the influence of drugs - imprisonment for up to 3 years and/or a fine of € 8,000 and/or revocation of a driver's license for 3 years.

    Dipped headlights

    Dipped headlights should turn on half an hour after sunset and turn off half an hour before sunrise.

    Children in cars

    Children between 5 and 10 years old should only travel when using suitable child restraint systems appropriate for their weight.

    For non-compliance - € 85.

    Seat belts

    Seat belts is mandatory for both front and rear passengers.

    For non-compliance - € 150.

    Driving a motorcycle or moped, or transporting passengers on a motorcycle without motorcycle helmets - € 200.

    Mobile phone

    The use of a mobile phone while driving is restricted to the use of a hands-free device.

    For non-compliance - € 150.

    During driving, it is forbidden to carry any device in the ear that can emit sound (talking, music, radio). Fine — € 60.


    Fines should not be paid directly to a roadside officer. Fines can be paid at police stations, in municipalities throughout Cyprus, or online (registration required).

    Fines over € 100 for traffic violations must be paid within 30 days from the date they were imposed, or the amount will be increased by 50%.

    In case of non-payment after 45 days from the date of issue, the person in charge will be held administratively liable.

    Traffic fines in Cyprus:
    Traffic fines in Cyprus
    Violation Fine (EUR)
    Unauthorized use of sound and light warning signals € 25
    Missing or damaged wipers € 25
    Failure to comply with the requirement of traffic rules to give way to a vehicle enjoying the priority right € 55
    Not giving priority to pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing € 85
    Smoking - in a private car, with a person under the age of 16 in it € 85
    Creation of an obstacle that slows down traffic for no reason on a motorway € 85
    Do not eat or drink while driving € 85
    Overtaking where prohibited by markings or road signs € 150
    Overtaking at a pedestrian crossing € 200
    Driving without compulsory civil liability insurance policy € 200
    Driving a red light € 300

    Fines for non-compliance with the speed limit are calculated as a percentage for each 1 km of excess.

    If you exceed the speed limit by 30%, the fine is calculated based on € 2 for each 1 km/h excess.

    For exceeding the speed limit between 30% and 50%, the fine is calculated on the basis of € 3 for each 1 km/h excess.

    For exceeding the speed limit between 50% and 75%, the fine is calculated on the basis of € 5 for each 1 km/h excess.

    If you exceed the speed limit by 75%, the fine will be determined in court.

    Speeding Fines
    Speeding Fines in Cyprus
    to 30% € 2 - 30 € 2 - 48 € 2 - 60
    from 31% to 50% € 48 - 75 € 75 - 120 € 93 - 150
    from 51% to 75% € 130 - 190 € 205 - 300 € 255 - 375
    above 75% determined in court

    For example: When driving at a speed of 130 km/h with a permitted speed of 100 km/h, the fine will be € 60. When driving at a speed of 131 km/h at a permitted speed of 100 km/h, the fine will be € 93.

    Useful information

    Fuel prices

    1.43 1.51 1.53 at 2025-02-28

    There is unleaded gasoline (95 and 98) and diesel are available in Cyprus. Gas filling stations (LPG) are almost non-existent (liquefied propane).

    It is not allowed to transport gasoline in cans.

    Average prices for all types of fuel at  2025-02-28:

    • S.P. 95 — € 1.433
    • S.P. 98 — € 1.512
    • Diesel — € 1.529

    Trends gasoline prices in Cyprus for last years.

    Emergency phone numbers

    • European emergency number – 112
    • Fire – 199
    • Police – 199
    • Ambulance – 199

    Compulsory to carry in car

    • Warning triangle — a fine of € 20.

    Winter equipment

    Winter tires

    The use of winter tires in Cyprus are not mandatory.

    Spiked tires

    Studded tires are permitted on mountain roads in winter.

    Snow chains

    Snow chains are only permitted if the road is completely covered with snow or ice.

    Optional equipment and other rules

    The use of navigation software that indicates the location of fixed speed cameras is prohibited.

    The use of radar detectors is prohibited.