Georgia - fuel trends

Toll roads. Traffic rules. Fuel prices.

Trends in gasoline prices in Georgia

Average prices all types of fuel in recent years. The data is updated once a week.

In addition to the current prices, given the changes compared to prices a week, month and a year ago.

Type of fuel Now A week ago A month ago A year ago
Regular 92 € 1.062 + € 0.007
0.66 %
+ € 0.036
3.51 %
+ € 0.166
18.53 %
Super 95 € 1.126 + € 0.007
0.63 %
+ € 0.038
3.49 %
+ € 0.153
15.72 %
Super 95 € 1.126 + € 0.007
0.63 %
+ € 0.038
3.49 %
+ € 0.153
15.72 %
Premium 98 € 1.254 + € 0.008
0.64 %
+ € 0.043
3.55 %
+ € 0.029
2.37 %
Diesel € 1.133 + € 0.007
0.62 %
+ € 0.039
3.56 %
+ € 0.057
5.30 %
LPG € 0.607 + € 0.088
16.96 %
+ € 0.021
3.58 %
- € 0.016
2.57 %
Historical minimum
  • Regular 92  € 0.514
  • Super 95  € 0.547
  • Premium 98  € 0.599
  • Diesel  € 0.554
  • LPG  € 0.311
Historical maximum
  • Regular 92  € 1.351
  • Super 95  € 1.441
  • Premium 98  € 1.538
  • Diesel  € 1.682
  • LPG  € 0.840

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Trends in gasoline prices in the national currency

Type of fuel Now A week ago A month ago A year ago
Regular 92 GEL 3.15 GEL 0.00
0.00 %
GEL 0.00
0.00 %
+ GEL 0.56
21.62 %
Super 95 GEL 3.34 GEL 0.00
0.00 %
GEL 0.00
0.00 %
+ GEL 0.53
18.86 %
Premium 95 GEL 3.72 GEL 0.00
0.00 %
GEL 0.00
0.00 %
+ GEL 0.18
5.08 %
Diesel GEL 3.36 GEL 0.00
0.00 %
GEL 0.00
0.00 %
+ GEL 0.25
8.04 %
LPG GEL 1.80+ GEL 0.25
16.13 %
GEL 0.00
0.00 %
GEL 0.00
0.00 %
Historical minimum
  • Regular 92 GEL 1.44
  • Super 95 GEL 1.65
  • Premium 98 GEL 1.79
  • Diesel GEL 1.55
  • LPG GEL 1.10
Historical maximum
  • Regular 92 GEL 3.79
  • Super 95 GEL 4.00
  • Premium 98 GEL 4.25
  • Diesel GEL 4.75
  • LPG GEL 2.25

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